Wednesday, September 22, 2010

working from home

I worked from home this morning.  That means listening to a conference call while I hold Ava.  That works pretty well unless she's not sleeping and yapping away and I need to talk :)  You can see the bluetooth in my ear.  This morning I got to hold her just before she decided she wanted to eat which is absolutely the best time because she's alert looking around and making some sounds and a bit interactive but she hasn't started crying yet, which at this point I can do nothing about since I don't have any food to offer.

 As you can see Ava was awake, and I got a great picture of her looking up at me.  It seems pretty clear that just like her mom she's not that interested in listening me to me talk about work much.

 We then went to the Dr.'s and cauterized Ava's belly button (since it was still bleeding a bit from the umbilical cord falling out.  She was completely well behaved and didn't even squawk!  So since we were there we weight and measured Ava.  she's now up to 7lbs. 1 oz -- Over her birth weight (Sarah is feeding her well)! and she grew by 1/4 inch!  I'm very glad I went with Sarah to the pediatrician, and it's the first time at work I used the excuse "I can't make that meeting I need to go to the Pediatricaion", I did get a bunch of crap at work for that.
OK back to work.


  1. So Mat how many times can you use the "at the Pediatrician" excuse..... so glad that you can work from home so you don't miss anything....
    I am thoroughly enjoying reading your observations! Only thing is there will be so much happening it will be hard to keep up.....but try!

  2. I feel like I'll get a month or so of the Pediatrician excuse :)
