Tuesday, February 8, 2011

5 Months!

Hard to believe Ava is 5 Months! She is getting bigger and bigger each day, and it is amazing to witness all or her discoveries. As you can tell by her 5 month picture, she is putting EVERYTHING in her mouth! The upside down piece of paper does say "5 Months" :)

5 Months
- rolls over from back to tummy
- sucks her thumb
- makes a variety of sounds
- sits up on her own ( for a short period of time)
- started rice cereal!
-grabs and reaches for things
- very interested in faces
- responds to her name
- got her first cold.

We are so in love. I say this all the time, but she is amazing :)
Happy 5 month Birthday Ava Rose!

xoxoxo Mommy and Daddy

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