Monday, December 17, 2012


One Month 
8 lbs 2 oz

Two Months
9 lbs 4 oz

Catch Up!

It has been a while since I last posted. I guess it was wishful thinking that I could continue to blog a lot! Life has been busy, but it is all worth it. The girls are great, and we couldn't be happier. Ava constantly tells us that her best friend is Hadley and it melts my heart. Here are some pictures of our life lately.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Fun

Over the weekend we did a lot of Halloween activities. We went trick or treating on Church Street, went to a parade, played games at the town hall, visited the fire house, and went trick or treating at Shelburne Museum. Ava had a blast and loved dressing up as a dog!

Friday, October 26, 2012


Dear Ava,
While you are getting soooo big, you will always be my little girl. You continue to amaze me and I love seeing your personality develop. I love you.
Love Mommy.


Friday, October 19, 2012

And we are back

Back to blogging! Given all my free time...hah, I figured I would start blogging again.  I can't promise a lot of commentary, but I can promise to post pictures!  Stay tuned for Hadley's birth story and some pictures of our TWO amazing girls :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Just hanging out with all of my friends

Looking cool in my shades!

Cookie Monster

Meet Cookie Monster.  Ava got this bird feeder for Christmas from Grandpa Gary. She loves watching the birds (we get a ton!) We have also had an unwelcoming visitor.....which out of the blue Ava decided to name "Cookie Monster"  Have no idea where she got that from because she really doesn't watch Sesame Street. She is very good at telling Cookie Monster  "No birdseed"

Monday, April 30, 2012

Tea Party

Ava loves having tea parties with her friend Arabella. We just got her a new table so she can have her own tea party at our house.  A lot of fun!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


It's a big day for Ava. Not only is it in the 60's and we can play outside without a jacket, but Ava is sporting her first pigtails!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


so big

I can't believe how big Ava is getting. She has just started to talk in mini sentences. "Daddy's working" "Ava's water" " Ava drinking water" It's crazy! I think she looks so old in these pictures!


Winter can be long.....and even longer when you are stuck inside with a 17 month old. I have been getting a little creative..... the other day we played with pasta. Aside from Ava trying to eat it, she did enjoy cooking with her pots and pans.

Watching some Barney with my babies

My Shadow!

Mat was giving Ava breakfast the other morning and she was staring at the wall going "Hi, Hi, Hi" He realized that she wasn't going crazy and in fact was saying hi to her shadow. She was excited today when her shadow appeared again :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Good Morning!

We have been up bright and early these days. Ava has been sleeping great, but no longer sleeps until 7, and is up usually between 5:45-6- which makes a tired mommy! She has been very busy lately, talking up a storm. This morning she burped and then said "scuse me!" Was so funny! She has such a little personality and is definately begininning to express her feelings- especially feelings of frustration- usually identified by a piercing high scream. She has started to test the limits, " No Ava, for the 100th time, you can't try to push the lamp off the table!" She continues to love music and is becoming a great little singer and knows the words to many songs. She has discovered who she is, and will point at herself very proudly and say "Ava."

Sunday, January 1, 2012


We may be in trouble. We broke down and let Ava try chocolate and now we have a chocoholic.....

My Best Friend

I love my best friend Bella. We do a lot of fun things together and love being silly.