Friday, July 15, 2011

Where is Ava?

Busy Girl!

Ava, you have been very busy lately with sorts of new tricks.

-You give the best kisses. (which consist of an open mouth plunge towards). The best is when I don't even ask for a kiss, and you give me one

- I love your hugs.

- If I ask you where the "airplane" is, you point to the sky. You have the best hearing! If you hear an airplane you point to the sky.

- You are crawling all over and pulling yourself up onto everything.

- You can walk when pushing on a toy

- your favorite song is "the wheels on the bus" and when we say, " The babies on the bus go?" you say, "Wah Wah Wah." You are soo smart:)

-You love dogs and will point and say "DDDD"

-You love your Sophie the Giraffe ( Sophie goes EVERYWHERE!)

- You give your baby doll kisses and hugs.

I love you more and more. You are so amazing Ava.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July Weekend!

We had a great long weekend that was spent with family and friends. Ava went to her first parade and loved it! She also went sailing for the first time! Here are some pictures from the weekend.