Saturday, May 28, 2011


Ava's new thing is she LOVES to stand and walk ( while holding our hands). Not sure if she is going to figure out this crawling thing, seeing that whenever we make her stop walking and put her on the floor she cries!

Rain Rain Go Away!

Even Ava is tired of the rain!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fun at dinner

Ava and I visited grandma and grandpa for the night. As you can tell she is having a blast at dinner!

YouTube Video

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A good day

I had such an amazing Birthday. I got to spend the day with my two favorite people, Mat and Ava. Ava loved spending time at Shelburne Farms and seeing the animals! We then went out to one of my favorite restaurants- American Flatbread. Ava had her first taste of pizza crust and was instantly hooked. Thanks everyone for the Birthday wishes. I am lucky to have such amazing family and friends.
Ava did not like hearing the rooster crowing....

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A day with daddy

Today I got to spend the afternoon with daddy while mommy went downtown with her friends. Daddy took me to Shelburne farms and I saw some chickens, pigs and sheep. I had a lot of fun!

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

"Bye Bye"

For the past couple of weeks Ava has been waving and saying "bye bye". Mat and I were so excited, we tell her byebye all the time to get her to say it..... while she is probably totally confused about what "bye" really means, it is so neat to see her begin to figure things out!

a new look

Ava has been making this funny face the past few days. It is almost like a "fake" smile, but she does it all the time. It is pretty cute:)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

8 Months

Dear Ava,
I can't believe that I gave birth to you 8 months ago- you are growing up so fast. You still continue to amaze me. You have such a wonderful personality, and the older you get the more your personality is coming through. You are so easy going, gentle and an extremely happy baby. You are doing more and more lately and it is obvious from your huge smiles that you are very proud of your new discoveries.

I love how you have learned to clap. When you clap you always have this huge grin on your face!
I love how you think sneezing is hysterical
I love how you are so determined to crawl- you will figure it out soon:)
I love how you nestle your head in my shoulder and bounce up and down- I like to think it is your way of hugging me.
I love how you cuddle with me in the rocking chair and smile each time i bend down to kiss you.
I love how you get so excited to see daddy when he comes home from work.
I love how you run around the house in your walker, and will chase after me.
I love how you look so peaceful when you sleep.
I love how you like to sing, and will sing yourself to sleep
I love how excited you are to see me when you wake up in the morning.
I love how inquisitive you are.
I love everything about you, I love you.
I love you more than I ever thought I could love. Happy 8 month birthday Ava!

Mother's Day

Today was a special day- my first mother's day. I am so lucky and blessed to be the mother of the most beautiful, healthy, amazing baby girl. Happy Mother's day to all the wonderful moms!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"Hello, who is it?"

Are we in trouble? She already loves the cell phone:)

Bath Time, Woohoo!

Ava loves taking a bath! Now that she is bigger she can sit up in her tub.