Thursday, April 28, 2011

looking cute even when sick

Ava hasn't been feeling well the past few days. Has a cold and maybe an ear infection. But I must say, for a sick baby, she has been amazing. Hoping she feels better soon!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


It finally feels like spring, well today summer. It was in the upper 70's to low 80's and was beautiful out! Ava and I went for a walk, did some swinging, and played in the grass.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Ava took a ride in her first swing and loved it. When we took her out, she started to cry....and as soon as we put her back she was happy :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

a whole new world

Since it has been warmer out, my mommy has been taking me outside. I just look all around and listen to the sounds and smile. I love it outside. When the wind blows I get really silent and my mommy says I look very curious.

Trip with Mommy and Grandma

My mommy and grandma took me to CT to visit my great grandparents. I was such a good girl and had a lot of fun. We went shopping, I got to take a bath in the sink, and had fun reading books with my great grandma Eileen and great grandpa Eddie. One the way back to VT they surprised me and I got to see my great grammy and grampy

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Recent Photos

Daddy's home!

Ava gets so happy when Mat gets home from work.

Fun weekend

This weekend my Antie Aly, Uncle Andrew and Lindsay came to visit. We went to Shelburne Farms and saw a lot of sheep, went to Church Street, and went out to lunch and dinner. I had so much fun with them!

Wearing " My Crazy Aunt Lives in Brooklyn" shirt.
Loungin with Lindsay They just sit and watch me :)

Looking at the sheep. " What is this thing that says baaaa?"

Playing with my Uncle Andrew