Saturday, January 22, 2011


Today we went with our friends to the pool for Ava's first swimming adventure! She loved it! She was fascinated by everything going on around her and had a great time swimming.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why am I not Moving!

Ava wants to move so bad. Here are pictures of her attempts :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Game Day!

Ava started off feeling good about the game.... Then as you can see by the pictures she was very disappointed with the Pats...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

No longer the dreaded bottle!

Ava now will drink from a bottle! This is HUGE! This means that I can maybe actually run some errands, get a hair cut, go out for lunch, the possibilities are endless! Now all I need to work on is being okay leaving my baby girl :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Four Months!

I can't believe my baby girl is 4 months ! She is doing more and more each day.
We took her to the doctors today and she has grown a ton since her last appointment! She weighs 12 lbs 12 oz, and is 23 1/4 inches long.

Some 4 month highlights
- You love the song, Zipidy Doo-Da, and like to sing along with me. Maybe you will be a singer?
- You are reaching and grabbing for things and love holding onto rattles.
- You laughed for the first time the other day while taking a bath. You love the water!
- You rolled over once from your tummy to back! You are close to rolling over again from you back to your tummy.
- You are holding her head up like a champ
- You are very very vocal, and love to grunt and make tons of noises! You just started doing this high piched happy scream that you think is very funny :)
- You are absolutely amazing :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy Anniversary - Grandma and Grandpa

Ava Wanted to Say -- Happy Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa Ringer (she's not really sure what to call you yet) !!!  She can't wait to see you guys and celebrate.

Oh .... and we have a few outtakes :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Fun in my Jumperoo!

Chillen in my Jumperoo this morning! So excited!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

out to dinner

Tool Ava out to the Farmhouse restaurant
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Getting outside!

It has been in the 40's here the past few days so we have been enjoying the outdoors!
Ava was tired from her walk....even though she slept the whole way :)