Monday, November 29, 2010

Tummy Time

Today I surprised my mommy with my new skills!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Girl

Mommy just loves this outfit on me! Thanks Auntie Aly!


Ava's first Thanksgiving was great! We got to spend time with family and Ava was definitely the center of attention. I am so thankful for such an amazing family.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Dear Ava,
You are changing so much!! You are full of smiles and make mommy smile a million times throughout the day. You are starting to grab things and love your activity mat. You are beginning to make more sounds and noises and I have heard you laugh in your sleep. While you are generally a happy baby, lately we have seen a different side of you. Let's just say that you are beginning to have a voice (more like a screaming cry) , and use it! You amaze me every day. I love you so much!

Friday, November 19, 2010

playing on the mat

So I worked from home today.  I didn't get to spend much time with Ava.  Sometimes "working from home" involves actual working.  Ava was in a great mood and played on her mat for a while, it was great to watch.  She's just starting to be much more interactive with all the things around her.

Friday, November 12, 2010

sushi out.

Ava always knows when dinner is ready!
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

2 Months!

On November 8th, Ava was two months old! Hard to believe. There are days when I think to myself, how can my little baby already be 2 months? There are other days when it feels as though she has been with us forever. She is amazing, growing so much and is sooo interactive. Her latest thing is smiling, sticking her tongue out when you stick yours out, and opening her mouth when you open yours. She loves reading books, and will track objects. She is really into faces these days. We went to her two month appointment yesterday and here are the stats:

Weight- 9lbs 13 oz. Birth weight was 6 lbs 12 oz
Height- 21 3/4 inches. Birth height- 19 1/2 inches.

She got her shots, but was a trooper. She did great. She did develop a fever last night, which scared me a bit, but she is perfectly fine. Most likely from the shots.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Where is Ava?

Ava loves to sleep on us. We love it too :), but it is hard to get anything done, so we take advantage of wherever she falls asleep....even if it is in the middle of the living room floor :)



Today we went with our friends for breakfast and then for a hike. So many babies! Ava was all bundled up and love getting fresh air.


My mommy loves putting me in these tie-dye shirts she made me!

Good Morning!

Ava is so happy when she wakes up in the morning!