Monday, December 17, 2012


One Month 
8 lbs 2 oz

Two Months
9 lbs 4 oz

Catch Up!

It has been a while since I last posted. I guess it was wishful thinking that I could continue to blog a lot! Life has been busy, but it is all worth it. The girls are great, and we couldn't be happier. Ava constantly tells us that her best friend is Hadley and it melts my heart. Here are some pictures of our life lately.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Fun

Over the weekend we did a lot of Halloween activities. We went trick or treating on Church Street, went to a parade, played games at the town hall, visited the fire house, and went trick or treating at Shelburne Museum. Ava had a blast and loved dressing up as a dog!

Friday, October 26, 2012


Dear Ava,
While you are getting soooo big, you will always be my little girl. You continue to amaze me and I love seeing your personality develop. I love you.
Love Mommy.


Friday, October 19, 2012

And we are back

Back to blogging! Given all my free time...hah, I figured I would start blogging again.  I can't promise a lot of commentary, but I can promise to post pictures!  Stay tuned for Hadley's birth story and some pictures of our TWO amazing girls :)